Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Taming of the Bicycle

The Taming of the Bicycle by Mark Twain

Taming the Bicycle

A few years ago, I purchased a 48 inch Penny Farthing. Also known as a Bone-shaker or High Wheel. It is the most intimidating bicycle that I have ever ridden. I finally was able to get on it and keep it going. Getting off of it still is the biggest challenge. For that reason, I am pretty careful where I ride the bike. I like to have plenty of room with no traffic to be able to "land" safely. 
You can see my early experience on this bike here:

In 1884, Mark Twain wrote the little piece that tells of his experience on a Penny Farthing. He was not a young man when he tried to master this then, newfangled machine. Anyone who has tried to ride one of these bikes, can relate to Twain's experience. Keep in mind, they do not call the bikes that came later, with two wheels of the same size, "safety bikes" for nothing!

You can read his experience with the high wheel bicycle here:

You can listen to an audio reading of this title on YouTube here: