Wednesday, September 17, 2014

170th CONSECUTIVE day of riding.

This morning I hit my 170th CONSECUTIVE day of riding since April 1st. I started riding with 30 Days of Biking and just kept going. My current goal is 182 days. That will give me 6 months of riding without missing a single day. So far, I have been able to maintain an average of 23 miles a day. Here is the breakdown so far  . . .

30 Days of Biking
           Miles per month                        Days in Month
April           719.53                                 30
May 617.7 31
June 736.05 30
July 832.75 31  
August 708.46 31       Total at the end of August = 3614.49
Sept         345.17 (as of Sept 17)   30

(Sept. 17 - 170th day) 3959.66                 Average 23.2 per day

Only 12 more days to hit 182 consecutive days (6 months)

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed. Great job! Hope you reach your goal and even beyond. Keep us updated.
