Tuesday, September 16, 2014

First Blog Post

Riding with my grandson. My favorite type of bike ride.
This is my first post on my new blog. I hope to use this space for sharing my bike riding adventures. I always enjoy reading about other people's excursions as they travel the country by bicycle. Though I may not embark on a round-the-world journey or even a trip across the Unites States, I have enjoyed seeing many exciting things and meeting many interesting people on my bike trips in and around St. Louis, Missouri.

Perhaps some of the pictures I post, will encourage other riders to visit some of the many interesting places in the St. Louis area that are easily accessible by bicycle. Our area has many miles of bike paths, bike lanes, and bike routes that allow you to see out great city in a way you would not be able to see it by automobile.

I am the pastor of Hope Bible Church in O'Fallon, Missouri and enjoy riding with a number of folks from our church. We have explored many of the historic areas of our community and always enjoy trying new eating establishments. So, if something you read here will cause you to visit a new area or location, I will feel that these posts will be of some benefit. If you are riding (or driving) in the O'Fallon, MO area please visit one of our services. You can find the time of services and location at www.hopebiblechurch.com

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