Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Good Bicycle Travel Book - Check it Out.

Reading Tom Bruce's book on the beach in Florida.
If you can't ride around the world you can read about
someone who has. 

When I am not able to be out on the bike, I enjoy reading books about traveling by bicycle. Some of them are so interesting that even my wife who does not ride, has read an enjoyed them as well. From time to time I would like to recommend some of the books I have enjoyed the most.

The first book I would like to recommend is the one pictured above. I enjoyed book so much that I wrote a review for it on Amazon. I include that review here ---

on October 22, 2013
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
As an avid cyclist myself, I have read a lot of bike touring books. For me, Tom Bruce's EVERY INCH OF THE WAY is one of the best. This young man's attitude toward the adventure and his ability to describe it, makes for a very exciting read.

Early in the book, he draws the reader in when he writes: "All you need is a bike and the courage to leave your home. Even a weekend trip on a bike with a tent enables you to forget everything else and escape the hectic schedule of the real world." (Page 5)

He not only shares the physical challenges of the journey, but the emotional ones, as well. Before long, you feel as if you are traveling along with a new friend. He skillfully shares the spotlight of the story with the numerous cycling companions he travels with along the way. His descriptions of the places he visits and the people he meets is really a very interesting travelogue. Even a non-cyclist would enjoy reading this book.

Though the writer generally downplays the physical stamina and courage required to make such a trip alone, I think he sums up the rewards of such an adventure in this paragraph: "There is something special about riding a bike through a desert. Yes it's a massive physical and mental challenge. The heat is torture and the lack of changing horizons makes it difficult to persuade yourself to keep going, but there is something so simple and pure about surviving in this vast landscape. It is just me against the world and nature. I had challenged myself and found myself equal to the challenge. . . ." (Page 80)
For me, what he writes about the ordeal and rewards of crossing the desert alone, sums up what is required to complete this entire incredible journey.

This is a great book. Well written, humorously dealing with the challenges of strange lands and cultures. A good cataloging of a great adventure. I can't wait until his next book is out!

If you like a well written travel adventure, you will enjoy this book. Check it out. You can find it on Amazon both in paper back and in Kindle format. 

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