Thursday, April 9, 2015

A Tropical Oasis - Eagle Lake Park in Largo, Florida

I've been intending to update the bicycle blog, but haven't done any unusual rides in the last few months. That has all changed since Mindy and I have made a trip to the Gulf Coast of Florida!  We've only been here a few days, but I have really enjoyed some beautiful riding. I'd like to tell you about it and show you some of the great places I've seen. 

First, I must say how much I appreciate our friends, Mike and Lynn Sauer, for putting one of their Trek bikes at my disposal. We thoroughly enjoy staying in their lovely apartment and appreciate access to the bike. It could not be more convenient-- Thanks, Mike and Lynn!

Yesterday I stayed close to the apartment and explored the Eagle Lake County Park, just a few blocks from where we are staying. 

You can check out the website HERE

Or listen to a brief AUDIO TOUR HERE:

Here is a little synopsis of the park from their website:
Great care was given to the restoration of the land’s natural habitat during the park’s development. One key feature is a wetlands section on the western side of the park which has been restored with 100 percent native plants. The park is home to fox squirrels, numerous bird species, gopher tortoises and water turtles.
The 163-acre park originally belonged to the Taylor family, one of the original pioneer families in Pinellas County. The Taylor's used the property for cattle grazing and as a citrus grove. The park comprises two parcels the county purchased in 1998 and 2006.

Although there are many amenities in the park for all kinds of family activities, the biking and walking trails are what interest me. There are miles of trails, mostly paved, as well as, some crushed gravel. A bicycle ride through the park is like an excursion in a tropical garden. The variety of exotic trees and plants is not something I'm accustomed to seeing on my rides in Missouri!  The lush vegetation is really something to enjoy.

Mindy and I walked over to the park last night with a couple of sandwiches and had a picnic supper on one of the many benches along the trails. We crossed a very busy, noisy road to enter the park; as we walked just a little way into the park, all of the noise of the traffic almost completely disappeared. It is truly a tropical oasis for exercise or relaxing, just a short distance from where we are staying. 

There are a variety of citrus trees throughout the park and at the right time of the year, oranges and grapefruit can be plucked right from the trees! 

We will see a great deal of this beautiful place while we are here. 

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