Friday, April 10, 2020

Spring Time on the Bike Trail

The Dardenne Greenway is beautifully situated in the neighborhoods of St. Peters and Cottleville. It is a gem of a trail system that is enjoyed by many of the residents of these communities. For the past number of years, my friends and I have enjoyed weekly outings on this trail system. 
The paved greenway is meticulously maintained and the signage makes it easy to navigate and get around. Our rides regularly take us through Rabbit Run Park, Woodlands Sport Park, and Legacy Park. Each park has a variety of recreational activities for every member of the family. (Click on the link to each park to see what they offer.)

This season, we have enjoyed an abundance of wildlife along the trail. It is not unusual to see deer, turkey, water fowl, turtles and many other backyard critters. Because most of the wildlife is accustomed to the human population and traffic on the trail, it is easy to get an up-close look at the neighboring wildlife. It is rare to be on this trail and not spot something worth seeing. 

Ducks and geese abound in the creek system and little lakes that are along the trail. We have often seen heron in the wetlands that comprise the bottom land along the greenway.

 Hawks are a familiar sight, as you ride near Mexico Road. These birds must have a nest nearby, because they regularly hang out just above the bridge on Mexico Road that crosses over the creek.

This past week, we have enjoyed watching "Tom" and his hens. We've been able to observe this courtship several days running, just south of Woodlands Sport Park. You can check out a video clip ðŸ¦ƒ HERE.

 Turtles abound in the creek adjacent to Rabbit Run Park. Like most of us, they have been enjoying the sunshine and warmer temperatures. Kids along the trail seem to especially enjoy these greenway residents.
 A good number of deer make this greenway their home. We have seen as many as 11 deer on one ride. On some days, they can be a little elusive, but they are usually pretty easy to spot if you proceed quietly along the trail.

As you can see, there's all kinds of "wildlife" along the Dardenne Greenway. If you need to get out and do some social distancing, this would be a great place to do it. 
Remember, wear a mask, give your neighbors on the trail plenty of distance and appreciate the beauty of God's creation!

 Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and all that is within me,
bless his holy name!
Psalms 103:1 (ESV)