Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day # 327 Brings My Consecutive Days of Riding Streak to an End.

All good things must come to an end  . . .
     Day # 327 (February 17th) brings my CONSECUTIVE bicycle riding streak to an end. Since April 1, 2014 I have pedaled 6,273.5 miles averaging 19.18 miles per day. Unfortunately, ice covered roads have made it to treacherous to continue. Maybe by next winter season I will acquire a fat tire bike and be able to negotiate the slippery roads a little more safely. Thanks for following along on this adventure.

February 11th update . . .
320 CONSECUTIVE days and still going.
STILL GOING - - - On February 10th I reached my 320th day of riding. I have traveled 6,181.81 miles and still averaging 19.3 miles per day. 
     The unseasonably dry weather pattern for the past month has made it possible to keep riding. We've had some very cold weather but the minimum among of snow and ice have allowed the pavement to remain clear. This is very unusual for the St. Louis area in January and February.
     Lord willing, I'll keep pedaling until inclement weather sets in. I'll keep you posted on my progress. Thanks for checking out my blog.

The End of Nine Months of Consecutive Daily Riding NOT QUITE YET
Although I had intended to quite riding everyday 10 days ago, old habits die hard. No longer worried about maintaining an average of 20 miles a day or more, I pressed on. This morning's ride to work marked my 300th consecutive riding day. Since April 1st, I have pedaled 5,822.14 miles and still maintaining an average of 19.4 miles per day.

On April 1st I started a consecutive-day riding streak with 30 Days of Biking. You can visit their web site HERE. The idea is simple --- Ride your bike every day for 30 days (1 mile or 100 miles, it doesn't matter) and you are likely to get in the habit of riding your bike regularly. It is a good plan and it does work. 

Nine Months (290 consecutive days) Later
       That was 9 months ago. I really did not have a particular goal in mind when I started. After I hit 150 consecutive days, I thought I would shoot for 182 days, which would give me six months of daily riding. Six months came and went -- I pedaled on! Each ten day mark made me want to do another ten. So, here I am at 290 consecutive days! 
3º with -16º windchill on January 8th
Weather and Average Miles per Day
       Early in the game, I said I would keep going until cold weather brought slick pavements or I dropped under a 20 mile per day average. It looks like I have reached both this weekend. This morning I calculated my total and average; I have traveled 5,744.19 miles since April 1st; because of the extreme cold mornings, my daily average has dropped to 19.8. With the forecast of sleet and freezing rain on Sunday, I figured this is a good place to stop. I would have liked to make 300 days, but I really did not think that was feasible this time of the year. 

The weather does not look promising for the next few days.

I don't want to end up like this guy!
This has been one of my most ambitious cycling goals. I am grateful to the Lord for the health and ability to do this. In 2014, I rode more total miles than in any previous year. The year-long stats revealed that I averaged over 16 miles a day for the past 365 days. I can live with that. I’m grateful I can ride at all. I have met many wonderful people, visited many interesting places and enjoyed many delightful hours from the seat(s) of my many bikes. I hope 2015 will be as enjoyable as the last year has been!   

A man who has friends must himself be friendly,
But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24

Visit Hope Bible Church's Website HERE.